Product Reviews,  Mom Life

Back Massager

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Do you have aches and pains? I have always had issues with my back, however ever since I had my son it has gotten way worse. Massages are wonderful, however now with the COVID times we are all in, I am not really in the position to go get one, not too mention they can get very expensive.

I have tried everything else I possibly could – buying a new bed, buying new bras, exercises…EVERYTHING!

On a whim I decided to buy this back massager. Normally, I think there is nothing that these things can do, but this was affordable so I figured…what the heck, why not.

When I have had a long day on my feet or have been hunched over at my computer for a little too long, I can start to feel it. That is when I grab this magical beauty. The heat it puts out is just the right amount, it is perfectly subtle. You can also move this around to whatever section of your body is aching or sore. For me, I move this up and down my back. It has an automatic shut off after 20 minutes, which seems to be just the perfect amount of time.

So my review on this one it a 10 out of 10! You can use this on more than just your back too!