About Me

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Hello and Welcome! My name is Kellee and I have been married to my husband for 5 years, but all together we are coming up up on 13 fun filled years together. We have one son (Desmond) and he is a feisty three years old. We also have one dog and one cat. We both work full time in the corporate world, but we both have other passions. My husband is a musician, so needless to say we have a TON of instruments in this house, because he plays them all!

We are both creative people, but in much different ways. I love to figure out affordable ways to accomplish daily household things. I consider myself a very resourceful and efficient person. I love to try new recipes, “attempt DIY” projects. My real passions are sewing, crocheting and constantly organizing and reorganizing and then organizing again. It’s a scene!

Since I became a mom 3 years, I have learned so many little tips and tricks for daily life. I have also learned a lot of what does NOT work. I would love to share all of this with you. I sincerely hope you find this blog helpful for you. I plan to find some of the best deals to share, some realistic busy family recipes, DIY projects and sooo much more.

Lots of Love! Stay Awesome!